About us

Everyone talks about going green and installing solar and doing your part for the planet.

We know this all too well as for over a decade we supplied and installed solar systems.

We got ourselves into a unique situation after our business was heavily affected by the 2022 Lismore floods.

After the floods we were looking for ways to expand and restructure our business. We were presented with a unique software which gave consumers access to wholesale energy rates. This gives home and business owners the ability to bypass the big energy retailers and buy and sell energy peer to peer.

We were in a unique situation with a ton of customers that had excess solar and who were looking to get more out of the enegy markets than what the big players were offering.

Mike's, the founder, favourite colour is orange and electricity is not green and the sun looks orange and its actually really white but that's a story for another day.

We took our skills and knowledge, of the energy market, built from over a decade in the industry, and set out on a mission to help connnect of residential solar customers with business owners to create a community thats benefits each others. We want to share resources between individuals and businesses and creating wealth for the small individual and small business, not the big energy companies.


Renewable energy has driven prices down to all time lows in the Australian energy market.

So why have energy prices increased then?

Well most energy is used of an evening, between the hours of 5pm-9pm .

Due to the abundance of renewable energy on the market this has made prices really cheap during the day and the big energy companies, who used to make money 24 hours a day, now only have a short window to generate those profits.

Solar can't compete between 5-9pm so the energy companies charge what they want as there is no competition.

What we offer allows you, as a business owner, to get acess to the cheap energy rates all day.

There are other benefits. Our community of customers have batteries storing energy. They have excess energy that they are willing to sell to you, at a lower cost than the network will offer you.

Our customers know if they offer their excess battery storage to you at a rate lower than the market rates, that our software will choose to buy from the communities before the open market.

This will create lower and lower energy prices over time as people will naturally offer lower prices to get your business.

Our software works to allow this to happen instantly by searching the market for the next price change, which happens around every 5 minutes. This is something that you cannot do for yourself, unless that is the only thing you do all day. The software makes sure your business is getting the best price available at all times.

OGSS works by charging a monthly fee depending on your energy usage.

And its simple! There is no lock in contract and if we don't get you lower bills or the best rate on the market, we won't charge you for our services.

ABN Number: 31 637 980 691

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